Preserve your most precious memories for years to come

Our Offerings


Wedding Bouquets


Birth Flowers


Memorial Flowers

A Close-Up Shot of Eucalyptus Leaves

About Fleurever Preservations

Hey there! My name is Elise, and I am the creator of Fleurever Preservations!
I never would’ve said that I am a creative person, but as I look back over the last few years, I find that the thing I am most passionate about is learning and creating. I usually have about 5 different projects going on at the same time – designing/working on spaces in my house, planning an event, restoring furniture, working on a big craft or DIY project, etc.
I have this voice inside that goes “you could build that” whenever I see something cool, and I love to figure out the process and learn new skills.

I stumbled upon flower pressing as I was browsing through Pinterest. I was looking for unique wedding present for my sister-in-law, and saw a frame that someone made of a wedding bouquet. I was instantly hooked. I started researching and practicing pressing flowers between big books in my house.
Shortly after, I was out thrifting and found a brand-new flower press (that I had been looking at online) for $5! That launched me on this journey of pressing flowers, and I am so excited to continue to learn and grow in this space.

Person Holding Green and White Plant

Why Choose Us

Discover what sets us apart and makes our floral preservation services exceptional.

One On One Design Service

Before sealing the design for preservation, we offer all our clients a chance to review and approve the finished design photo. This allows our clients to request any desired revisions, guaranteeing a final design that they will treasure forever.

Quality and Longevity

We use multiple techniques to ensure your keepsakes remain vibrant and beautiful for years to come.

Beautiful Handcrafted Amish Frames

We work with a local Amish Woodshop to provide high quality wooden frames in multiple finishes.

Client Testimonials

Preserve your most precious memories today!

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